Our coaching collaboration
begins with an hour-long discovery session. Here we can discuss where you're at now, your feelings and thoughts about where you'd like to be and your vision for yourself and your future.
After that
our twice-monthly get-togethers can be at your home, walking on the beach or in the woods (if you are near Newburyport, MA), or via phone or skype.
Sessions typically last about 50 deep-delving minutes.
Movement coaching sessions can address
any areas in your life where you are feeling constricted, physically or emotionally.
If you sit in an office all day, have a physical impairment, or are simply feeling stuck and uninspired then moving freely can be a real challenge. By releasing blockages, learning to relax and breathe intentionally, integrating positive visualizations and doing some gentle exercises, you can experience the joy of unhindered movement.
Life coaching sessions
can address
anything you’re feeling challenged by or are eager to integrate into your life.
You might be a first-time parent
or caring for a large family and feeling over-extended.
Maybe you want to start a business, change careers or train for the Boston Marathon!
Well, as they say. . . challenges are just opportunities in disguise. It’s all in your perspective!
If you crave
more energy, vitality, clarity, and peace of mind,
we can design nutrition, exercise and stress-management plans that work for you - and I’ll help you stick to them!
Free Sample Session
The best way to see how coaching will make a difference in your life is to experience it for yourself! Contact me to schedule your free one-hour sample session!